Frequently asked questions - Vita Perf

Question: "What is Vita Perf?"

Answer : Vita Perf is a program that was created in Norway in the years 2000. After having achieved an unparalleled success in its country of origin, we won the exclusive distribution of the program for Europe. Moreover, as fervent defenders of the "Made in Europe", it was important for us that the production of tablets is also done in Europe. It is therefore a French laboratory that manufactures the tablets sold in Europe, following exactly the same formula based on natural ingredients.

The taking of Vita Perf is intended above all for men who want to add spice to their personal lives, or even to improve it. Our tablets are the most effective to permanently enlarge the size of the penis.

Question : "How does it work?"

Answer : It is very simple: just take 2 tablets each morning with a large glass of water. We recommend a take in the morning because the vitamins contained in Vita Perf bring so much energy that it becomes difficult to find sleep.

Besides that, we provide online access to a knowledge base and exercises to fix the results of tablets over time. It is the combination of the program and the tablets that bring the best results, the fastest!

Question : "Tell me more about Vita Perf ™ tablets"

Answer : We design Vita Perf ™ tablets in an ISO 22000 certified French laboratory. It is an international standard better known as the "Hygiene Package", which guarantees that this laboratory meets all legislative and regulatory requirements.


  • Taurine ------------------------------- 200mg
  • Arginine ------------------------------ 200mg
  • Fenugreek in a dry extract form ------- 200mg
  • Maca in a dry extract form ------------ 200mg
  • Guarana in a dry extract form --------- 200mg
  • Ginger in a dry extract form ---------- 200mg
  • Magnesium ----------------------------- 120mg
  • Vitamin C ----------------------------- 24mg (32% RDA *)
  • Vitamin PP ---------------------------- 4.8mg (30% RDA *)
  • Vitamin B1 ---------------------------- 0.34mg (30% RDA *)
  • Vitamin B2 ---------------------------- 0.42mg (30% RDA *)
  • Vitamin B6 ---------------------------- 0.42mg (30% RDA *)
  • *RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance

Question : "About the Vita Perf ™ package"

Answer : Your bottles of Vita Perf ™ are sent by carrier in a discreet and secure package.

Question : "How often do you take the tablets?"

Answer : A bottle of Vita Perf ™ contains 60 tablets. We recommend taking 2 tablets a day.

Question : "Are there any side effects?"

Answer : No. tablets are produced only from natural ingredients in the ISO 22000 laboratory and have been carefully tested so that we can guarantee that no side effects have been detected. You can take these tablets safely. As for any cure, it is recommended to respect the recommended dosages.

Question : "How to contact us?"

Answer : For any information or question, we are available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm at the Customer Relations department of the company: Tel : +339 724 404 97 E-mail :